Vegetarian certification
Appraisal and inspection of products that meet vegetarian standards.
  Vegetarian certification                                        
Appraisal and inspection of products that meet vegetarian standards.
Please contact us:021-52729050 
Contact:张睿 Ray
Sample mailing address:上海市闵行区古方路18号1004室 
Addressee:Miss Dong 15021679478
Certificate verification:Please email the certification which need to be                                             certified to our mailbox:
Vegetarian certification process
VeganSu® vegetarian standard:
● Vegetarian:Does not contain animal food, and does not include animal by-products such as eggs, milk, honey.
● Vegan:Free of animal food and animal by-products (including eggs, milk, honey, bird's nest, etc.).
● Vegan Buddhist: Free of animal food, free of animal by-products (including eggs, milk, honey, bird's nest, etc.), free of allium plants (such as garlic, shallots, steamed buns, leeks, Xingqu) and no coriander.