Green vegetables, the source of health. For animals, for the environment, and for health.
Let vegetarian knowledge penetrate the hearts of the people, and let the vegetarian action come to life.
According to the Global Times, China's vegetarian population has exceeded 50 million, and this number is still increasing, and more and more people believe that being vegetarian is good for the body and mind. Some scholars have pointed out that China's vegan market is expected to grow by more than 17% between 2015 and 2020, which will be the fastest growing internationally during this period, indicating that the Chinese dietary consumption habits are undergoing a huge change. Now 70% of the world's population is actively reducing meat consumption. In European markets such as Germany, the United Kingdom and France, the launch of vegetarian and vegetarian products is very strong. According to a food analysis survey published by the National Restaurant News (NRN), human diets are predicted to transform into a plant-based era in the next 50 years. About 44% of German consumers now follow a "reduced meat" diet The country had only 26% of the vegetarian population in 2014, and a significant increase in the vegetarian population can be found. A 2016 Vegetarian Society study also pointed out that the number of vegetarians over the age of 15 in the UK over the past decade has increased 3.6 times. And nearly 50% of Americans support a ban on slaughterhouses. According to the Financial Express, more and more people in China are choosing vegetarian food, and vegetarian restaurants are blooming everywhere. The development of the vegetarian industry has been greatly developed compared to the past. According to the analysis of the current development trend of vegetarian food, the goal of vegetarian food is health and environmental protection. With the economic development and the improvement of residents' living standards, in addition to traditional factors, the trend of choosing vegetarian food due to health and fashion has risen. Most human infectious diseases and diseases are derived from animals, especially the new coronavirus in early 2020 is derived from wild animals. It is imperative to promote a healthy vegetarian life.